Short Readings for AceReader

As the AceReader program allows you to import your own text in the Read Mode, we thought that it might be fun to create some short readings for our blog readers to use as timed exercises.

Starting with our next post, we’ll be providing readings from about 400-1000 words, which you can then import into the Read Mode and set your speed and display functions as you would with any other reading. They’ll be interspersed with our more traditional blog posts on reading and education.

If you have any ideas on fun topics you’d like to see, please send an email to and reference “Short Readings.”

We hope you enjoy these.


Below are the steps for importing text via copy/paste into AceReader’s Read Mode.

Click on the “Read Mode” tab.
Click on the little gear icon in the upper right portion of the screen.
Click on Copy/Paste Text.
Paste in text
Click the Submit button.

Use the Play and Stop buttons to start and stop the flashing or highlighting of text. The gear icon also allows you to change the display mode and speed settings.

We recommend you copy small sections at a time.

Note: There is also an option from the gear icon to load entire documents. You can load the following file types: .pdf, .docx, .epub, .mobi, or .txt. We recommend .txt, if possible.

Author: AceReader Blogger

The AceReader blogging team is made up of specialists in a number of different areas: literacy, general education, content development, and educational software. For questions about posts, please submit them in the form below. For suggestions about blog topics, please email them to

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