Addressing Unfinished Learning

Among many other educational problems raised by the COVID-19 pandemic is unfinished learning, learning gaps for students who didn’t fully cover all the material necessary to advance in grade but who find themselves at the higher level, nonetheless. How to address these gaps is, perhaps, a more complicated issue than one would expect, since barriers … Continue reading “Addressing Unfinished Learning”

The Role of School Psychologists in the Educational Process: Part 1

[Editor’s note: This is the first part of a three-part interview conducted by Miriam Ruff with Dr. Kim Hastings, a nationally certified school psychologist. It has been lightly edited for length and clarity.] MR: In general terms, what is a school psychologist? What role do they play in the school setting? KH: From the National … Continue reading “The Role of School Psychologists in the Educational Process: Part 1”