Guest Blog: Ways Parents Can Help Kids Stay on Top of Their Studies During School Breaks

School breaks can be an excellent time for kids to explore new interests and spend time with their families. However, it’s also important to keep up with their studies to avoid losing learning momentum during extended breaks. AceReader shares some simple but effective ways that parents can help their kids with their studies – even during school breaks.

Explore educational online resources

There are many educational online resources available that can make learning fun and interactive for kids. These resources include websites and apps that offer educational games, videos, and activities across multiple subjects. Examples of such resources are ABCmouse, BrainPOP, and Khan Academy. These resources can help kids learn without feeling bogged down or bored and can keep them engaged in learning during their break.

Hire a tutor or mentor

Hiring a tutor or mentor can be an excellent way to help your child maintain their academic progress during school breaks. Tutors and mentors can provide personalized learning experiences that are tailored to your child’s individual needs. Tutors can help your child with specific subject areas or with managing their study time, while mentors can provide guidance on academic and career planning.

Create a multipurpose room for your kids

Creating a dedicated study space or multipurpose room in your home can offer benefits for you and your child. Having a dedicated space can help your child distinguish between their schoolwork and leisure activities, allowing them to focus more effectively on their studies.

Plan educational field trips

Field trips to museums, science centers, historical landmarks, and other culturally enriched destinations can provide an excellent environment for your child to learn while taking a break from their regular schoolwork. These experiences can help your child explore new interests and expand their knowledge of different subjects. Parents can choose different activities based on their child’s interests or upcoming school curriculum.

Incorporate learning into everyday activities

Learning can happen anytime and anywhere, and ThoughtCo notes that parents can encourage their kids to learn by incorporating educational activities into everyday routines. For example, parents can plan a cooking activity with their kids that involves using measurements, conversions, and basic scientific concepts. A simple walk around your neighborhood can also be a great learning opportunity where you can talk about plants, animals, and other science-related concepts.

Use free resources to try out coding

The summer months are a great time for kids to delve into new hobbies and interests. For those interested in coding, there are plenty of free resources available online to help them get started. From interactive coding games to online tutorials, children can explore the world of programming without leaving their homes. Not only will coding help develop problem-solving skills, but it can also ignite a passion for technology. With a little bit of initiative and guidance, children can spend their summer productively by learning an in-demand skill that will benefit them in the future.

Encourage them to read for 30 minutes a day

Reading is an essential part of learning, and encouraging your child to read for at least 30 minutes a day can help them maintain their academic progress during school breaks. The reading material need not be academic or geared toward a specific subject; it can be comic books, magazines, or even articles. Parents can set up a reading challenge that can motivate their child to read more.

Help them create a study schedule to stay on track

Maintaining a consistent study routine can help children stay focused and maintain their academic progress during school breaks. Little Day Out points out that parents can help their kids create a study schedule that combines different learning activities, such as reading, online educational resources, writing, and project work. A study schedule can also help break down bigger goals into smaller, achievable steps, making it easier for children to see their progress and stay motivated.

Keep them learning every day

Even though school breaks are an excellent time for kids to rest and recharge, maintaining learning momentum is essential to avoid losing academic progress. Parents can help their kids stay engaged with their studies during school breaks by exploring online educational resources, hiring a tutor or mentor, creating a multipurpose room for study, planning educational field trips, incorporating learning into everyday activities, encouraging reading, and creating a study schedule. By using these techniques, students can maintain their academic progress, stay engaged, and have fun at the same time.


Jonathan Warner loves to learn, and his greatest teachers are his kids. They’re the inspiration behind his passion project,, a site dedicated to making learning engaging for everyone. When he’s not hanging out with his wife and kids, you’ll probably find him trail running or nose-deep in a crossword puzzle.

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