Reading/Teaching Science Fiction Helps Inspire Students in the Age of Technology

Science fiction may be a relatively young genre in the vast span of human literature, but it holds a unique place in our modern technological world, and thereby in our educational system. Science fiction has the ability to inspire imagination and innovation. It also helps draw young people to the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and … Continue reading “Reading/Teaching Science Fiction Helps Inspire Students in the Age of Technology”

The ACT/SAT Exams as College and Career Readiness Predictors

Every year, millions of high school students across the United States take either the ACT or the SAT exam. Not only are they part of the admissions criteria at most colleges and universities, they are both looked at as ways to predict college and career readiness. Let’s take a look at some of the specifics. … Continue reading “The ACT/SAT Exams as College and Career Readiness Predictors”