Max Lang – Comic Book Sorting Specialist, Parent, and Avid Reader

[Editor’s note: This interview was conducted by Miriam Ruff, and it is the fourth installment in what will be a series of interviews about the different approaches people take to discover and learn new topics. It was lightly edited for clarity.] MR: Welcome to AceReader; we’re glad to have you here. ML: Thanks! MR: Let’s … Continue reading “Max Lang – Comic Book Sorting Specialist, Parent, and Avid Reader”

Using Games for Comprehension

Generally when we get individual students, or schools, onto the AceReader platform, we stress that improving your reading skills is not a competition. The only person you’re competing against is yourself, and the only scores that matter are those that show how much your speed, comprehension, and fluency improve as a result of your practice … Continue reading “Using Games for Comprehension”