Addressing Unfinished Learning

Among many other educational problems raised by the COVID-19 pandemic is unfinished learning, learning gaps for students who didn’t fully cover all the material necessary to advance in grade but who find themselves at the higher level, nonetheless. How to address these gaps is, perhaps, a more complicated issue than one would expect, since barriers … Continue reading “Addressing Unfinished Learning”

Challenges Facing Returning to In-Person Instruction

In its August 3, 2021 blog post, Education Week asked a number of teachers the following question: “What do you think will be some of the challenges for teachers who might be returning to the physical classroom for the first time in a year and a half, and what are your ideas for how they … Continue reading “Challenges Facing Returning to In-Person Instruction”

The ACT/SAT Exams as College and Career Readiness Predictors

Every year, millions of high school students across the United States take either the ACT or the SAT exam. Not only are they part of the admissions criteria at most colleges and universities, they are both looked at as ways to predict college and career readiness. Let’s take a look at some of the specifics. … Continue reading “The ACT/SAT Exams as College and Career Readiness Predictors”