How to Identify False (or mis) Information

There’s nothing new about fake news or misdirecting readers with half-truths or outright lies. Ever since people learned they could achieve their ends with misinformation, they’ve been using it. And for many of us, the preeminent fact-checker site is a regular stop on our daily clickfest. How do you wade through the muck, though, … Continue reading “How to Identify False (or mis) Information”

Teaching Poetry in the Classroom

Poetry has a place in education, even among the elementary grades. It can be included as part of reading, writing, and language lessons, and adds additional value to classroom themes, projects, celebrations, and other important events. Here are five good reasons to include poetry in the classroom. Builds reading, speaking, and listening skills Children who … Continue reading “Teaching Poetry in the Classroom”

Guest Blog: How Learning to Code Helps Students Develop Essential Skills

Since the rise and proliferation of the internet in the late 1990s, coding has become an increasingly vital skill in the workplace. While coding may not be the most obvious choice for young learners, it is, in fact, a great subject to study, even for students as young as 5-10 years old. Beyond the obvious … Continue reading “Guest Blog: How Learning to Code Helps Students Develop Essential Skills”

Parents and Teachers: Bridging the Communication Gap

For students who learn or think differently, having a strong support network is critical to success. And that network should include both teachers and parents. Unfortunately, there’s always been a certain amount of difficulty bridging the communication gap between the two groups, but it certainly got worse during the remote learning of the pandemic, leaving … Continue reading “Parents and Teachers: Bridging the Communication Gap”

Improving Reading and Writing Skills

In a recent Education Week post, Mike Schmoker described three key elements for teachers to use to impart core literacy skills to their students: purposeful reading, discussion, and writing. He advocated for 90-120 minutes engagement each day, spread throughout the curriculum. To understand just what this means for classroom instruction, let’s examine the three skills, … Continue reading “Improving Reading and Writing Skills”

Does Increasing Reading Speed Decrease Comprehension?

If you ask someone if they want to increase their reading speed, the answer is usually yes, but they don’t end up trying because they’re afraid of losing comprehension in the process. Do you really lose comprehension, or is this just a myth? The answer is a bit of both. Increasing speed is, like learning … Continue reading “Does Increasing Reading Speed Decrease Comprehension?”

Purposeful Reading

Reading is like any other activity; the more you know what you want to get out of it, the more benefit you’ll derive.  Too often, though, we simply crack open a book and turn to page one without a thought about the process. That can lead to missed information; confusion about characters, plot, or informational … Continue reading “Purposeful Reading”

How Journalists Can Strengthen Teacher-Oriented Reporting

There’s no question that journalists can influence public perception by what they report and how they report it. Public Agenda, a democracy-focused research and action organization wanted to understand how journalists have portrayed teachers over the years and if those portrayals have changed. To accomplish this, they analyzed a random sample of over 2,300 news … Continue reading “How Journalists Can Strengthen Teacher-Oriented Reporting”

Guest Blog: Changes in the Education Industry in 2022

The education industry has experienced some significant changes in 2022. These changes are likely to have a bearing on many aspects of our lives, including job opportunities and career growth. Schools are essential infrastructure for communities, and the approach to schooling has been altered. Courses such as General Assembly can help you learn how the … Continue reading “Guest Blog: Changes in the Education Industry in 2022”