Poverty and the Educational Process – Part 1: Health and Nutrition

[Editor’s note: This is part one of a four-part series on poverty and the educational process. Links to the previous blog posts will be included in each succeeding part.] In 2015, approximately about 20 percent of children under the age of 18 (about 14.7 million) came from families living in poverty, and 10 percent lived … Continue reading “Poverty and the Educational Process – Part 1: Health and Nutrition”

Interview with Joseph Silver – Norse Mythology Enthusiast and Avid Reader

[Editor’s note: This interview was conducted by Miriam Ruff on February 19, 2018, and it is the first installment in what will be a series of interviews about the different approaches people take to discover and learn new topics.] MR: We’re talking today with Joseph L. Silver, a comic artist, illustrator, avid reader, and Norse … Continue reading “Interview with Joseph Silver – Norse Mythology Enthusiast and Avid Reader”

Common Myth about Reading – A Personal Experience

Here on the AceReader site, we’ve been discussing some common myths about reading and what the realities actually are (read Part 1 here and Part 2 here). I’d like to add one additional myth from my personal experience to the list. MYTH: I read how I read. I can’t learn to read any differently or … Continue reading “Common Myth about Reading – A Personal Experience”

Common Myths about Reading and Reading Habits – Part 2

Last time we talked about a number of common “myths” about reading and the reading process. There was a lot to talk about – more than could fit in a single blog post – and so we’re here again to continue the discussion. The myths below are by no means the complete remainder of the … Continue reading “Common Myths about Reading and Reading Habits – Part 2”

Common Myths about Reading and Reading Habits – Part 1

Reading, while almost ubiquitous in the developed world, is a complicated endeavor, one that we spend many years both in and out of school learning and perfecting. Even people who read well are often confused to a certain extent about the process, and they cling to a number of “myths” that actually run counter to … Continue reading “Common Myths about Reading and Reading Habits – Part 1”

Looking for Book Reviews of “A Study in Charlotte”

The Montgomery County (MD) Public Library System has recommended “A Study in Charlotte” by Brittany Cavallaro as part of its teen reading list. The story centers around two teenagers, one a descendant of Sherlock Holmes, and the other a descendant of his partner John Watson, who work together to solve crimes. Have you read this … Continue reading “Looking for Book Reviews of “A Study in Charlotte””

Practical Optimism for Teachers and Students

In their blog post “Cultivating Practical Optimism: A Key to Getting the Best from Your Brain,” Drs. Marcus Conyers and Donna Wilson describe the concept of “positive optimism.” They define it as a way “to describe an attitude about life that relies on taking realistic, positive action to increase the likelihood of successful results.” They … Continue reading “Practical Optimism for Teachers and Students”

How to Challenge Students Effectively

While there is a great deal in the literature about helping struggling students and providing interventions for everything from physical to learning disabilities, there is relatively little on the topic of engaging students effectively. But what does engagement mean? Does it mean simply keeping the students awake enough in the classroom to absorb some of … Continue reading “How to Challenge Students Effectively”

Research Studies – Effective Studying and Reading Strategies

2017 was a year filled with interesting and informative educational research. Two areas of particular interest are in the creation of both effective studying and effective reading strategies to assist students in the learning process. When asked about an upcoming test, students often overestimate how prepared they really are, and they frequently study less for … Continue reading “Research Studies – Effective Studying and Reading Strategies”

Can You Read Poetry Efficiently?

When people are learning how to become more efficient and effective readers, the subject of poetry often comes up. For most people, poetry seems a laborious read, one filled with hard-to-pronounce words, complex themes, and structures that appear to embrace subvocalization rather than eschew it. In truth, can you read these works efficiently? The answer … Continue reading “Can You Read Poetry Efficiently?”