How to Foster the Early Literacy Recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

Last week we discussed the AAP’s policy statements and technical reports emphasizing the critical importance of early literacy for children – starting from the time they are born. Parents and caregivers should work with their pediatricians to ensure that their children are exposed to critical age-dependent skills so that they enter school ready to build … Continue reading “How to Foster the Early Literacy Recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)”

The American Academy of Pediatrics’ View of the Importance of Early Literacy

How important is early literacy in a child’s development? And when we say early, how early is that? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has weighed in on the matter with a number of policy statements and technical reports, and the results just might surprise you. The AAP recommends that pediatricians promote early literacy development … Continue reading “The American Academy of Pediatrics’ View of the Importance of Early Literacy”

Podcast Interview with Reader, Editor, and Writer Patrick LoBrutto

Patrick LoBrutto has been an editor, author, and anthologist for over 30 years. He has worked for Ace Books, Doubleday, M. Evans, Random House, Kensington, Stealth Press (an internet publisher) and Bantam, working with authors that include Isaac Asimov, Stephen King, Eric Van Lustbader, Walter Tevis (the author of The Hustler and The Color of … Continue reading “Podcast Interview with Reader, Editor, and Writer Patrick LoBrutto”

The ACT/SAT Exams as College and Career Readiness Predictors

Every year, millions of high school students across the United States take either the ACT or the SAT exam. Not only are they part of the admissions criteria at most colleges and universities, they are both looked at as ways to predict college and career readiness. Let’s take a look at some of the specifics. … Continue reading “The ACT/SAT Exams as College and Career Readiness Predictors”

Happy Independence Day

All of us at AceReader would like to wish Americans, both here and abroad, a happy 4th of July, our Independence Day. As you celebrate the holiday, you may want to learn more about this diverse country and its history. You can get a great start with the books listed on Goodreads: If you’re … Continue reading “Happy Independence Day”

Choosing Books for Your Child

Reading is an important skill, one a child will use all through their entire life. It will not only help them in school, but it will also help them working their way through achievement tests, getting into college, graduating from college, and making a success of their chosen career. But how do you get a … Continue reading “Choosing Books for Your Child”

Interview with Fiona Quinn – Reader, Writer, and Homeschool Mom (Part 2)

[Editor’s note: This interview was conducted by Miriam Ruff to trace one person’s path as a reader; to demonstrate the relationship between writing and reading; and to convey the experiences of a homeschool mom teaching her children the love of reading. It has been edited slightly for length, fluency, and clarity. To read Part 1, … Continue reading “Interview with Fiona Quinn – Reader, Writer, and Homeschool Mom (Part 2)”

Interview with Fiona Quinn – Reader, Writer, and Homeschool Mom (Part 1)

[Editor’s note: This interview was conducted by Miriam Ruff to trace one person’s path as a reader; to demonstrate the relationship between writing and reading; and to convey the experiences of a homeschool mom teaching her children the love of reading. It has been edited slightly for length, fluency, and clarity.] MR: You are an … Continue reading “Interview with Fiona Quinn – Reader, Writer, and Homeschool Mom (Part 1)”

Using Games for Comprehension

Generally when we get individual students, or schools, onto the AceReader platform, we stress that improving your reading skills is not a competition. The only person you’re competing against is yourself, and the only scores that matter are those that show how much your speed, comprehension, and fluency improve as a result of your practice … Continue reading “Using Games for Comprehension”

Autism and Reading Comprehension – Interventions

Last week we talked in depth about studies documenting the difficulties children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) encounter with reading comprehension. Today, we’re going to look at a number of interventions designed specifically for the ASD student to help them overcome the limitations of their disorder and make progress learning to read for understanding. It … Continue reading “Autism and Reading Comprehension – Interventions”