California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) Students Improve Reading Skills with AceReader

California State University, Sacramento used the AceReader online reading efficiency program for their “Reading for Speed & Efficiency” course during the 2015/2016 school year. Of the students who took both pre and post-course assessment tests, 78% showed an average improvement of 86% with their Effective Reading Rate (ERR) scores. The ERR is determined by taking the … Continue reading “California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) Students Improve Reading Skills with AceReader”

Motivating Your Students to Read

One of the big questions in education today, especially in reading, is how do you motivate your students to learn? How do you get them to put in the necessary attention and hours to master the subject? One way is to lead by example. If the students are working on a silent exercise or are … Continue reading “Motivating Your Students to Read”

Want to Live Longer? Read a Book – or a Lot of Them

It’s generally accepted these days that reading a book will help you relieve stress, and it may actually make you a more empathetic person as you learn to connect with the various characters. But there’s more. A new study published in August 2016 in the online journal Social Science & Medicine determined that reading more … Continue reading “Want to Live Longer? Read a Book – or a Lot of Them”