Reading is like any other activity; the more you know what you want to get out of it, the more benefit you’ll derive. Too often, though, we simply crack open a book and turn to page one without a thought about the process. That can lead to missed information; confusion about characters, plot, or informational … Continue reading “Purposeful Reading”
How Journalists Can Strengthen Teacher-Oriented Reporting
There’s no question that journalists can influence public perception by what they report and how they report it. Public Agenda, a democracy-focused research and action organization wanted to understand how journalists have portrayed teachers over the years and if those portrayals have changed. To accomplish this, they analyzed a random sample of over 2,300 news … Continue reading “How Journalists Can Strengthen Teacher-Oriented Reporting”
Guest Blog: Changes in the Education Industry in 2022
The education industry has experienced some significant changes in 2022. These changes are likely to have a bearing on many aspects of our lives, including job opportunities and career growth. Schools are essential infrastructure for communities, and the approach to schooling has been altered. Courses such as General Assembly can help you learn how the … Continue reading “Guest Blog: Changes in the Education Industry in 2022”
The Role of School Psychologists in the Educational Process: Part 3 (Gifted and Talented)
[Editor’s note: This is the third part of a three-part interview conducted by Miriam Ruff; the first two discussions were with Dr. Kim Hastings, a nationally certified school psychologist, and this third one is with Kristi Kargl, an educational services coordinator who serves the gifted and talented population. It has been lightly edited for length … Continue reading “The Role of School Psychologists in the Educational Process: Part 3 (Gifted and Talented)”
The Role of School Psychologists in the Educational Process: Part 2 (Struggling Students)
[Editor’s note: This is the second part of a three-part interview conducted by Miriam Ruff with Dr. Kim Hastings, a nationally certified school psychologist. It has been lightly edited for length and clarity. To read part 1, click here.] MR: Last week we talked generally about the role of the school psychologist. Let’s change gears … Continue reading “The Role of School Psychologists in the Educational Process: Part 2 (Struggling Students)”
The Role of School Psychologists in the Educational Process: Part 1
[Editor’s note: This is the first part of a three-part interview conducted by Miriam Ruff with Dr. Kim Hastings, a nationally certified school psychologist. It has been lightly edited for length and clarity.] MR: In general terms, what is a school psychologist? What role do they play in the school setting? KH: From the National … Continue reading “The Role of School Psychologists in the Educational Process: Part 1”
Want Better Reading Comprehension? Learn to Sigh More
Many studies have been performed to determine how effectively we read from paper versus an electronic medium such as a computer or smartphone, and the vast majority have concluded we retain more from reading on paper than from an electronic device. Researchers have posited several different theories for the disparity, including multitasking in the electronic … Continue reading “Want Better Reading Comprehension? Learn to Sigh More”
Technology Trends in the Classroom
Common Sense Education released their report “The common sense census: Inside the 21st-century classroom” in 2019. Their results were based on a survey of 1,200 US K-12 teachers to explore “what it takes to support teachers and prepare students as schools navigate the growing presence of technology.” The completed report breaks down how teachers, primarily … Continue reading “Technology Trends in the Classroom”
How Teachers Use Technology in Their Classrooms
Pencils? Check. Paper? Check. Whiteboard? Check. Technology? Big check. Today’s teachers are increasingly using technology in one form or another in their classrooms. In 2019, just before the pandemic hit, Common Sense Education released their report “The common sense census: Inside the 21st-century classroom.” They surveyed 1,200 K-12 educators to explore “what it takes to support … Continue reading “How Teachers Use Technology in Their Classrooms”
Teachers’ Social-Emotional Support Can Help Struggling Readers
Students who struggle with foundational reading skills need more than remedial instruction to make them successful students; they need their teachers’ social and emotional support as well. Many students who read below grade level and have difficulty mastering basic concepts like phonics, vocabulary acquisition, fluency, and prosody feel anxious, frustrated, and even ashamed of their … Continue reading “Teachers’ Social-Emotional Support Can Help Struggling Readers”