The Need for Reading

In our social media-obsessed world, there seems to be less and less time for reading books. Gone are the days when kids would plead with their parents at bedtime for “just one more story,” and when they would hide out under the covers with a flashlight and a book, hoping not to get caught reading … Continue reading “The Need for Reading”

Guest Blog: Mary Willingham, Reading and Learning Specialist, on the AceReader Program

[Editor’s note: This is the first in an occasional series of guest blogs from a variety of AceReader users.] After college, where I earned a BS in Psychology, I worked in corporate HR for 15 years. Shortly before I turned 40, though, I decided that I wanted to teach, and I returned to school to … Continue reading “Guest Blog: Mary Willingham, Reading and Learning Specialist, on the AceReader Program”

The Value of Re-reading Books

While many students are given credit of some sort for reading books during the school year (or completing a summer reading assignment), they are rarely, if ever, given credit for re-reading material. Yet some of the greatest insights into literature can only come about on a second, third, or fourth read. And, some of the … Continue reading “The Value of Re-reading Books”

Literacy Begins Early

A new report from Alberta, Canada indicates that fewer students are entering kindergarten each year with the necessary literacy skills to begin reading. As a result, according to Christie Watson, lead teacher of the Comprehensive Literacy program, only 78% of kindergarteners in the 2015-2016 school year were prepared enough to move on to Grade 1 … Continue reading “Literacy Begins Early”

Physical Exercise and Learning

When you want to make your body fit, you exercise. When you want to make your brain sharper, you also exercise? And we’re not talking about crossword puzzles or mind games here, but actual, physical aerobic exercise. Why should that be? Let’s take a look at what we know so far about the correlation between … Continue reading “Physical Exercise and Learning”

Teaching Your Child to Love Reading

Reading is an essential part of life, and better readers make better learners, no matter what they’re trying to learn. According to the American Library Association, “Individuals read to live life to its fullest, to earn a living, to understand what is going on in the world, and to benefit from the accumulated knowledge of … Continue reading “Teaching Your Child to Love Reading”

New, Easily-accessible AceReader Education Edition Winner of 2016 Tech & Learning Award of Excellence.

Grand Junction, CO (October 12, 2016) – Tech & Learning magazine announced the winners of its 2016 Awards of Excellence on October 5, and the new, Education Edition of AceReader made the list. The winners were decided by a panel of Tech & Learning advisors that individually evaluated hundreds of products, and they include “innovative … Continue reading “New, Easily-accessible AceReader Education Edition Winner of 2016 Tech & Learning Award of Excellence.”

Chunking to Improve Reading Comprehension

Trying to read a large amount of text, whether it be a fourth-grader encountering their first chapter book or a chemistry major working their way through the latest whitepaper, can be a daunting experience. Chunking is the process of dividing up a text into shorter, more manageable segments. This provides the reader with words in … Continue reading “Chunking to Improve Reading Comprehension”

Targeting the Young to Promote Adult Literacy

As part of the Development Lexicon Project study, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin are currently studying how words are read by people ranging from first-graders to seventy-year-olds. The researchers are focusing on three different characteristics of a word: its length, its frequency of use within the language, and its … Continue reading “Targeting the Young to Promote Adult Literacy”

Visualization and its Role in Reading

Visualization is a large part of the learning process. We picture how a word looks or mentally “see” how a character looks as he is described by the author. But what if you weren’t able to visualize? Some people can’t. The condition is called “aphantasia,” and we’re only beginning to understand how this affects the … Continue reading “Visualization and its Role in Reading”