We’ve learned a lot about education during the past year, with teachers and students both needing to adapt to remote platforms and distanced learning strategies. We may have discovered all these things eventually, but teaching in the time of a pandemic has pushed them front and center now. From socialization to learning loss, the lessons … Continue reading “Lessons Learned from Pandemic Instruction”
Will Continued Remote Learning Create a Separate and Unequal School System?
As vaccines become more available and the coronavirus pandemic comes more under control, many school systems are offering in-person instruction for the first time in over a year. Many others, though, are either remaining with an all-remote option or a hybrid version, with some students sitting in classrooms and others logging in from their homes. … Continue reading “Will Continued Remote Learning Create a Separate and Unequal School System?”
AceReader Wins 2021 Homeschooling Award
We’re delighted and honored to announce that AceReader has won the Best Middle & High School Homeschool Curriculum & Resources award from How To Homeschool. With hundreds of nominations and rigorous criteria to win, we’re deeply grateful for this recognition and remain committed to the schools, homeschoolers, and individual consumers. For more information about … Continue reading “AceReader Wins 2021 Homeschooling Award”
The Need to Improve Teaching Online Post-Pandemic
Given the speed with which teachers, some of whom had spent decades in front of a physical classroom, had to transition to all-remote learning with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s amazing that they — and their students — have done as well as they did. Now, 14 months later, as we move back … Continue reading “The Need to Improve Teaching Online Post-Pandemic”
Teaching Reading in a Digital Age
Reading has changed dramatically over the past decade or so, with the inclusion of mobile devices like tablets and smartphones, eBooks, multimedia websites, and social media. The big questions are, though, has the way we teach reading changed with their introduction, and what should teachers be doing to help prepare students for the complexity of modern … Continue reading “Teaching Reading in a Digital Age”
Learning when to Change Your Mind and when Not To
All knowledge builds upon knowledge that came before, and new knowledge often requires a change of thought. For example, the status of a scientific theory must change and grow when new data become available from additional tests of that theory. In her article “Learning Means Changing Your Mind,” Katherine Burd argues that, in the classroom, … Continue reading “Learning when to Change Your Mind and when Not To”
Study Skills — The Series
Over the last several months, we’ve talked a lot about study skills. You may have missed a part or two, or maybe you just want a refresher. Whatever the reason, here’s the entire list so you can see the series as it developed. Study Skills Part — 1: How to Develop Your Listening Skills Study Skills … Continue reading “Study Skills — The Series”
Study Skills — Becoming an Effective Learner
Effective learners, whether they’re in school or out in the world, are those who discover how to study smarter, not harder. For the purposes of this blog, we’re going to be focusing on classroom learning, and in that environment, studying smarter is key to managing your time efficiently, getting good grades, building upon what you’ve … Continue reading “Study Skills — Becoming an Effective Learner”
Communicating in a Word Desert
[Editor’s note: The content of this blog is the opinion of the author, writer Miriam Ruff, and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of AceReader, Inc. or its employees.] The word “communication” comes from the Latin noun communicatio, which meant a sharing or imparting having to do with an exchange or goods possessed by more than one … Continue reading “Communicating in a Word Desert”